Whitmanwire is a listserv for the Whitman community. It's an open listserv, meaning anyone here in Whitman can join and anyone on the list can post to the list. We use it as a venue where members can send announcements, reminders, requests, and questions. For instance, if you are in a campus group and want to let Whitmanites know about an activity or performance, you can send out an announcement and a reminder yourself, and everyone who subscribes will receive it. You can also use it for practical things, like asking whether anyone here has something you need to borrow, organizing a study group, letting people know you'll be watching a specific television program in a lounge space, or asking whether someone wants to join you for an activity (a spur-of-the-moment tennis match or game of pool, for example). You can use it to ask all types of questions - or answer them. The more people who subscribe the better, but no one is required to subscribe. Whitmanwire is a popular way to reach the majority of Whitman students with announcements that students (including graduate students) themselves generate. It's a great way to build community and get the community talking.
Since you have to subscribe in order to post, here are the instructions for subscribing. Send an email to [email protected] with nothing in the subject line and only the words "SUBscribe whitmanwire" in the body. You'll then receive confirmation that you're subscribed, instructions for posting, and other administrative information (including how to leave the list, if you ever need to).
You may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF WHITMANWIRE"
command to [email protected].